Puppet Art is an exciting and broad subject that consisted of various types of puppet art. However, there are many puppets when it comes to considering information about puppet art in Sri Lanka. But string puppetry has the most valuable, leading role and the main focus rather than other puppet arts in Sri Lanka. String puppetry is mainly at the forefront and leads puppet art among the several puppet arts, which develops in Sri Lanka today.
The paradise and homeland of this wonderful string puppet art are Balapitiya: one of the beautiful area located in Ambalangod city. Traditional string puppetry has passed through a golden age, and now it has spread in Sri Lanka as the most valuable and great identifications of traditional drama style.

Therefore, this will be a better platform for Sri Lankan and world communities passionate and hungry for the knowledge to get information about this attractive Sri Lankan puppet art. We especially hope to spread the valuable information about this wonderful art as an all-rounder platform for puppet arts in Sri Lanka.
We will enhance your knowledge with the history of the puppet art in Ambalangoda, how it has changed generation to generation, varieties of puppets, classification of different puppets and puppet arts, puppet creating art, techniques, equipment, stages used in puppetry shows, lighting, and the makeup.
Moreover, we will provide information regarding the history and present condition of puppet arts with the affected reasons and the significant steps to be taken to develop and enhance this art.
Latest News
Sri Lanka’s first traditional puppet museum was opened on March 21 at the Sarvodaya Center in Balapitiya, Galle. This museum is open to all passionate and exploring the art of string puppetry in Sri Lanka. The traditional puppet museum is open on weekdays from 09.00 am to 6.00 pm.
What People Said about Us

It’s good to be known of a place that preserves an Art which has a huge history in our country. It was a pleasure to go visit the museum and to experience the true essence of puppetry. The illustrations and details were spoken and shown very clearly. There’s a gift shop as well where you can get miniature puppets for yourself. It was really a beautiful experience. I highly recommend this museum as one of the best museum’s in Sri Lanka that needs to be visited at least once. Explore the culture. Cheers